Our Code Of Ethics

At Bıçakcılar, integrity in doing business is the foundation of everything we do. Our Code of Ethics and Governance is a set of principles and moral rules that are developed based on our mission starting with the “patient” in mind as we also pursue relentlessly to provide “value” to all our stakeholders. These principles are mandatory rules that all employees have to comply with. These rules are very crucial in assuring that all employees are aware of the rules and that their behavior will impact every single value that Bıçakcılar stands for while their compliant behavior will also make a difference in maintaining a highly professional workplace. Bıçakcılar is an equal opportunity employer.
- Absolute absence of discrimination- We will not discriminate anybody against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, language, gender, origin, age, religion, creed, disability, marital status, political opinion, ethnic background, health status, pregnancy as well as their roles within their families. Affirmative action will be taken immediately against discrimination in employment, recruitment, postings for employment, compensation, termination, upgrades, promotions, and various other conditions of employment.
- A fair work environment for employees- We have built trust and a firm commitment to ethical practices while we created a transparent, respectful, healthy and safe working environment based on the company rules and regulations in harmony with each other Bıçakcılar ensures that stakeholders have access to information about the company in a timely and transparent manner.
- Ethical Conduct in the Offices- We value the free flow of thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns. We encourage employees to raise work-related issues or concerns through our established processes as soon as issues or concerns arise. We do not tolerate any retaliation against employees for asking questions or making good faith reports of possible violations of law, the Code, or other guidelines.
- Equal Employment Opportunities and Discrimination- We value diversity in our workforce, as well as in our customers, suppliers, and others. We provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, medical condition, genetic information, military and veteran status, marital status, pregnancy, gender or any other characteristic protected by local law, regulation, or ordinance. We follow these principles in all areas of employment including recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfer, and social and recreational programs.
- Anti-Harassment- We are committed to providing a workplace free of harassment based on personal characteristics such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, pregnancy, gender or any other characteristic protected by local law, regulation, or ordinance. We strongly disapprove of and do not tolerate harassment of employees by managers or co-workers. We must treat coworkers, customers, and suppliers with dignity and respect.
- Human Trafficking, Child and Forced Labor- We do not tolerate forced, debt bonded, indentured labor practices, or human trafficking. We do not allow harsh or inhumane treatment. We will not employ anyone underage in any position. We expect our suppliers and others to meet these expectations. We are committed to providing a safe workplace for employees, customers, vendors, contractors, and others on Bıçakcılar property.
- Being a Responsible Corporate Citizen- As we work hard to become a truly global company, in order to achieve business success, we know we have to demonstrate respect for people and the planet and uphold the values and high standards of ethics. We continuously strive to show respect for people and the planet and ask all our employees to consider the short and long-term impacts to the environment and the community when they make business decisions.
- Transparency in information sharing- Preparing accurate financial and other records, our financial and other business records shape the business decisions we make. We are responsible for ensuring that our books and records are full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable reflections of the company’s operations and business activities.
A Culture of Uncompromising Integrity...
- Bribery and Anti-Corruption- Bıçakcılar strictly prohibits all forms of bribery and adheres to the Laws. This restriction also applies to all the third parties Bıçakcılar conducts business with.
- Environmental, Health and Safety Management and Compliance- Environmental Laws, Standards and Procedures and Policies apply to our worldwide business operations and products. We expect all our suppliers to also comply with the environmental and safery procedures and policies.
- Communicating Clearly and Professionally in Business- Bıçakcılar believes in the benefit of effective business communication that is clear, honest, transparent, respectful and professional including e-mails, social media, direct communication, reports, voice mail, presentation materials, instant messaging and website.
- Conducting Business with Customers, Suppliers, Distributors and Others-We know that our success depends on our relationship with all our partners and that all business be done in mutual respect and trust. We also expect all our suppliers to comply with the Code of Conduct.
- Import and Export Compliance-All our import and export operations are in compliance with the respective laws.
- Competition- Bıçakcılar ensures the fair competition in the industry, by acting with integrity and honesty towards other firms.
The Code of Ethics is published on the QDMS System and disclosed in employee-oriented programs. The Board of Directors, Managers, Executives and all employees are expected to comply with the Code of Ethics.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest arises when there is a employee's private/personal aims and interests creates a conflict with the organization’s short and long term objectives. Bıçakcılar employees; while fulfilling work demands and responsibilities, are expected to meet company goals by keeping the interests of the organization over and beyond those of themselves and their families. Bıçakcılar employees should not attempt to derive any personal benefits by utilizing company resources for their own purposes.
Situations Where Conflict of Interest Exists:
It is very important that the employee prioritizes the interests of the Company in all work-related activities.
• If an employee is working with family members or up to a third-degree relative within the organization and any commercial relationship exists.
• The family of the employee or relatives up to a third-degree degree relative have any ownership or any interest or relationship with a competitor firm
• If the employee is knowingly in a business relationship with the family of the employee or relatives up to a 3rd degree who are working in 3rd party/ or in a competitor firm
• If the employee asks to borrow from 3rd party employees/from someone working in a company that Bıçakcılar has a business and commercial relationship.
Prevention of Conflict of Interest
Potential conflict of interest should be shared with the employees and top management to take necessary precautions. Employees and managers are expected to inform the top management if they observe any conflict of interest taking place. As soon as there is any conflict of interest, The Management Committee evaluates the situation and takes immediate actions.
Job Responsibility
The employee is responsible for fulfilling the tasks and responsibilities in accordance with his/her position’s requirements stated in the employment contract. He/she will assume full responsibility for economical or other damage to the organization as a result of any intention, negligence or carelessness.
The employee is also responsible for the rational and appropriate distribution of the tasks to his/her subordinates or colleagues who are working at the same level to a timely completion of projects without exceeding the deadline and showing the best performance. Each Bıçakcılar employee should heed to the protection of the reputation of the company against third parties. They have to avoid the behaviors and actions that can be a threat to the corporate reputation. Bıçakcılar employees are obliged to manage their relations with other employees, business partners and stakeholders in accordance with the business ethics and ethical rules.
Employees should never ask for any payment in accordance with any personal or work related interest from any third party or a company that they conduct a professional relationship, and never seek any benefit. There wouldn’t be any tolerance for the employees who are entering into private business relationship with the 3rd parties. Employees are forbidden to request or make any payment from or to third parties in relation to their work.
Principles Based on Regulations And Compliance
Employees have to obey the rules regarding the workplace management principles, workplace harmony, occupational health and safety, and environmental security regulations.
Taking Responsibility: Paying Attention to Behaviors
Employees have the responsibility to work in harmony with colleagues and managers in the workplace, establish good relations with 3rd party workers and with people who have a business relationship with Bıçakcılar while carry out their work honestly in an effective way within a given time frame.
Bıçakcılar employees have to inform the Top Management about people who are violating the ethical principles and who are acting against business ethics with the relevant proof as solid evidences.
Confidentiality and Privacy Mandates
The employee is obliged to keep the private information and the company secrets whether they are job related or not. The employee shall not disclose any kind of corporate information, or document to any third party or to non-authorized persons or authorities during his/her employment period until the end of his/her business contract.
Responsibility to Protect the Interests of the Organization
Bıçakcılar employees have the responsibility to protect the interests of the organization and to avoid any behavior that may negatively affect corporate interest. Employees are not allowed to use the facilities of the organization for their personal interests and for non-business reasons.
Prohibition of Working at another Company
The employees cannot accept any kind of job offer (permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid, or conducting any business activity without the permission of Bıçakcılar).
Responsibility to Report Personal Information Changes
The employee have to inform the Personnel Affairs and Payroll Department if any change occurs (regarding the marital status, residency, family issues, children etc.) to assure changes are made and the information is updated in the business contract relating to salary and benefits. Employees must provide the documents indicating the relevant changes as well.

Examples of unethical situations are indicating below:

- Accepting gifts (above the limit determined) from a supplier or 3rd party and e discrimination
- Sharing Bıçakcılar’s confidential information with friends in a chat environment or in any social media platform.
- Being busy with personal issues, spending time for personal and private affairs during working hours
- Assigning personal expenses to Bıçakcılar that are irrelevant with the job
- Using Company's resources for the personal benefits without permission
- Not indicating reasonable information/excuse about the tasks that are not completed on time and far exceeds the deadline
- Working for another company during holidays without the permission of Bıçakcılar
- Not taking other unethical behaviors seriously

All Bıçakcılar employees must take all necessary steps to prevent any violation of the rules.
Employees should report the situation to their manager or the Legal Advisor together with the Human Resources department when they suspect a rule violation.
Code of Ethics, technological developments, world and environmental conditions, dynamics of the company and suggestions from our valuable employees are reviewed every year.
The following questions should be taken into account as a guideline when deciding on the action plan in cases where the working principles mentioned above are encountered.
- Is this activity/behavior in compliance with the laws, internal policies and procedures?
- Is this activity/behavior balanced and fair; does it conform to the environment and community judgments?
- Will the activity/behavior done protect the image of my company?
It should not be forgotten that the responsibility of protecting and developing our company existence belongs to all of us.